如何通过五个简单步骤成为更好的Stack Overflow用户
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by Artem Stepanenko

由Artem Stepanenko

如何通过五个简单步骤成为更好的Stack Overflow用户 (How to become a better Stack Overflow user in five simple steps)

Software developers cannot imagine their lives without Stack Overflow.


We use it almost every day! We love it. It saves us so much time which may be dedicated to something better than swearing at a computer and inventing a wheel.

我们几乎每天都在使用它! 我们喜欢它。 它为我们节省了很多时间,而这些时间可能比专门在计算机上发誓和发明轮子更好。

What makes Stack Overflow so valuable is its content. Almost everything you can think of is already there. You have a problem you can’t solve alone, you Google it. And there it is, the first link is a Stack Overflow question with the code you were looking for. Very simple. This flow works like a charm.

使Stack Overflow如此有价值的是其内容。 您几乎可以想到的所有内容都已存在。 您有一个自己无法解决的问题,请谷歌搜索。 就是这样,第一个链接是堆栈溢出问题,其中包含您要查找的代码。 很简单。 这种流程就像一种魅力。

We’re not given this for free. Every bit of useful information there is a result of somebody’s work. Somebody spent their private time investigating a problem and writing down findings so more people can benefit from it. There was a real person behind it, just like you and me.

我们并非免费提供此功能。 每一点有用的信息都是某人工作的结果。 有人花私人时间调查问题并写下发现结果,以便更多人可以从中受益。 就像你和我一样,背后有一个真实的人。

There are psychological studies about people being part of a big group. Facing a problem, we tend to unconsciously expect that there must be somebody else “who will manage this.” We actively work on personal tasks. But if the issue doesn’t affect us directly, we’ll likely delegate it to “somebody else.”

有一些关于人们成为一个大集团的一部分的心理学研究。 面对问题,我们倾向于不知不觉中期望有人“可以解决这个问题”。 我们积极从事个人任务。 但是,如果该问题不会直接影响我们,我们可能会将其委派给“其他人”。

In the real world, we heavily rely on transportation, the police, and a healthcare system. There’s no government on Stack Overflow. Perhaps there are a few Batmen and Supermen, but they can’t do everything. We all should be active for the good of all.

在现实世界中,我们严重依赖交通,警察和医疗保健系统。 没有关于堆栈溢出的政府。 也许有一些蝙蝠侠和超人,但他们不能做所有事情。 我们所有人都应该为所有人的利益积极。

Let’s be a community which cares about its members, those who add value, and not passive consumers.


There’re plenty of ways to become a better Stack Overflow user. Start by following these five practices:

有很多方法可以成为更好的Stack Overflow用户。 首先遵循以下五种做法:

1.不要忘记投票 (1. Don’t forget to upvote)

If you’re sure that an answer is correct, upvote it. Even if it wasn’t your question or you don’t need it. It shows the whole world that the answer is likely to be true and draws more attention to it.

如果您确定答案正确无误,请对其进行投票。 即使这不是您的问题,或者您不需要它。 它向全世界展示了答案可能是正确的,并引起了更多关注。

Never (up- or down-) vote if you have doubts!


Let’s look at it from a different standpoint. You’re the person who posted an answer. You’ve invested quite some time into it, you were helpful, generous, and proud…and nobody reacts. You would be embarrassed.

让我们从不同的角度来看它。 您就是发布答案的人。 您已经投入了很多时间,您很有帮助,慷慨且自豪……而且没有人做出React。 你会很尴尬的。

That’s not how it’s supposed to be. We must acknowledge each other’s contributions which means upvoting.

那不是应该的样子。 我们必须承认彼此的贡献,这就是赞成。

2.写评论 (2. Write comments)

It happens that people post wrong answers or stupid questions. But they never do this on purpose. That’s why people don’t understand why they’ve been downvoted. They want to ask but there’s nobody to ask because votes are anonymous. This feels unfair and makes them unsatisfied.

人们会发布错误的答案或愚蠢的问题。 但是他们从来没有故意这样做。 这就是为什么人们不理解为什么他们被否决的原因。 他们想问,但没人问,因为选票是匿名的。 感觉不公平,使他们不满意。

This is not how we should feel on Stack Overflow. It’s a place filled with love and support.

这不是我们对堆栈溢出的感觉。 这是一个充满爱与支持的地方。

But we can’t ignore misinformation! Instead we should write a comment explaining our opinion. Most likely they will fix the answer or delete it.

但是我们不能忽视错误信息! 相反,我们应该写评论来解释我们的观点。 他们很可能会解决或删除答案。

3.定期阅读最常见的问题 (3. Read top questions regularly)

It’s like the feed on Facebook, but for nerds. Go through top questions and open those which contain tags you’re interested in. Even if you don’t plan to answer them.

就像Facebook上的提要一样,但是对于书呆子。 仔细阅读最常见的问题,然后打开包含您感兴趣的标签的问题。即使您不打算回答这些问题,也请注意。

As a professional, you’ll improve dramatically. Learn how your peers struggle, how they overcome obstacles, and how they reason.

作为专业人士,您将得到极大的改善。 了解您的同龄人如何奋斗,他们如何克服障碍以及他们如何推理。

Sometimes even mediocre questions are answered in a brilliant way. You definitely don’t want to miss them!

有时,即使是平庸的问题也能以出色的方式得到回答。 您绝对不想错过他们!

4.问问是没有耻辱的 (4. There’s no shame in asking)

Even if you ask a completely stupid question, the worst thing that could happen is you’ll get downvotes or receive unpleasant comments. No reputation points will be lost if you delete the question.

即使您提出一个完全愚蠢的问题,也可能发生的最糟糕的事情是您会投票不足或收到不愉快的评论。 如果您删除问题,则信誉点不会丢失。

It’s also possible that the question will get no attention because it’s too broad or too specific. This doesn’t harm you at all. Delete it after few days if it bothers you.

这个问题也可能因为范围太广或太具体而得不到关注。 这根本不会伤害您。 如果几天后麻烦您将其删除。

The amount of programming languages and tools are limited. There’s a good chance you’re not the only person who’s encountered your problem.

编程语言和工具的数量是有限的。 您不是唯一遇到问题的人。

By crafting a question, you start to understand the issue better. They all look overwhelming in the beginning and fade away when we break them down into pieces. You might have an answer before you publish a question.

通过提出问题,您可以更好地理解问题。 一开始它们看上去都是压倒性的,当我们将它们分解成碎片时它们就会消失。 在发布问题之前,您可能已经有了答案。

At the same time, you should keep in mind that other users appreciate your questions even more if you do research before asking. We like unique, challenging questions and get annoyed by repetitive ones.

同时,您应该记住,如果您在询问之前进行研究,其他用户会更欣赏您的问题。 我们喜欢独特且具有挑战性的问题,并被重复的问题所困扰。

5.回答! (5. Answer!)

Unlike the rest, answering usually takes time. This is what the best citizens do, because it benefits the community as well as themselves.

与其他方式不同,回答通常需要时间。 这是最好的公民所做的,因为它使社区和他们自己都受益。

Let me put it this way: no answers — no Stack Overflow. Nobody would open this website if there were no answers. No doubt, the community needs answers, especially that poor guy who’s asking, but why do people answer at all?

让我这样说:没有答案-没有堆栈溢出。 如果没有答案,没人会打开这个网站。 毫无疑问,社区需要答案,尤其是在问那个可怜的家伙,但是人们为什么要回答呢?

First of all, it’s pleasant to play the role of an expert and help others. Also, you get upvotes which result in reputation growth. This huge number next to your name and avatar talks for itself. Everybody sees that you’re a pro.

首先,扮演专家的角色并帮助他人很令人愉快。 此外,您还会获得投票,这会导致声誉提高。 您的名字和头像旁边的这个巨大数字本身就说明了问题。 每个人都认为您是专业人士。

And last but not least — It’s a great reason to learn something new. You rarely know the answer right away. You dive into the question, create a playground project, read documentation, and, finally, write an answer. When it’s posted everybody thinks you’ve known the answer forever. You train your brain muscle and prove to yourself and everybody else you’re an expert. Isn’t it cool?

最后但并非最不重要的-这是学习新知识的重要理由。 您很少立即知道答案。 您将深入研究问题,创建一个游乐场项目,阅读文档,最后写下答案。 发布后,每个人都认为您永远知道答案。 您训练自己的大脑肌肉,向自己和其他人证明自己是专家。 是不是很酷?

Thanks for reading! What do you think about Stack Overflow?

谢谢阅读! 您如何看待堆栈溢出?

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